2020 Fore! OC
COVID Precautions
Based on the Current Pandemic, we are asking everyone to use common sense with regards to protecting yourself and those around you. If you are sick or do not feel well, STAY HOME! Additionally, we are going to be following the procedures set forth by the State of Ohio (OHIO GOLF COURSE GUIDE).
To comply with the guidelines set forth by the State of Ohio we will be implementing the following procedures:
We ask that everyone wear a mask or face covering when entering buildings or interacting in close proximity with volunteers and golfers.
For lunch and dinner, we will be following the procedures outlined by the State of Ohio for Safe Dining, therefore, volunteers will be serving the food "cafeteria style."
To limit interactions between golfers and to avoid people gathering in groups, we will have the carts set up by starting hole, safely spaced apart, and there will be ample signs to direct golfers to their carts.
Additional procedures will likely be implemented at the event to ensure the safety of everyone involved.